About us
Our Vision
To make COAAT Accounting & Business Consultants a symbol of success and trademark, a firm recognized for the highest standards of integrity, professionalism, and service excellence. While considering the higher standard of performance and by creating opportunities for our stakeholders all over the Arab world.
Our Goals
We care deeply about the results of our efforts and we hold ourselves personally accountable to our clients and to one another for delivering on our commitments. We care for one another, our clients, our firm, and our communities. We all aspire to make a difference and to create significant value resulting from our efforts. We “do the right thing” and maintain high ethical standards and IFRS standards .We provide
high-quality audit and accounting-related servicesOur approach is to collaborate with you regularly, not just at year-end, to better understand how to achieve your personal concept of success.
Our accountants are dedicated to customizing plans in accordance with your situation, your issues, and your goals.
We genuinely care about the people who we work with and we will go above and beyond to ensure that COAAT positively contributes to your bottom line and personal well-being
Your success and our reputation are built on the close working relationship and attention we provide.
Our team
Hawary Elmaghraby General Manger
Ossama Abbas CEO
Yahya Zakrya Consulting Manger
Abo bakr Rabie Outsourcing Manger
Nader Mohamed Audit Tax Manger
Our clients